

Advanced Order Status Manager

Advanced Order Status Manager

Extension Description: Elevate Your Order Management Efficiency with Advanced Notifications and..

25.00€ Ex Tax: 20.66€

AjaxFilter Pro

AjaxFilter Pro

Lightweight and super fast filter. Filter products by Stock status , Price, Rating, Manufacturers, A..

39.99€ Ex Tax: 33.05€

Attach the file to  the order confirmation

Attach the file to the order confirmation

Allows the administrator to attach and send additional files by confirming an order...

9.99€ Ex Tax: 8.26€

Bulk deletion of orders

Bulk deletion of orders


42.35€ Ex Tax: 35.00€

Geo based min/max Order Restrict

Geo based min/max Order Restrict

Rules:√ min cart total (subtotal)√ max cart total (subtotal)√ min cart quantity√ max cart quantity√ ..

29.99€ Ex Tax: 24.79€

Invoice export to AGNUM

Invoice export to AGNUM


150.00€ Ex Tax: 123.97€

Lithuanian post code

Lithuanian post code

Set up a zip code by city and address..

9.99€ Ex Tax: 8.26€

Mobile Phone No. Validate Module

Mobile Phone No. Validate Module


30.25€ Ex Tax: 25.00€

Multitab module

Multitab module


30.25€ Ex Tax: 25.00€

Prekių palyginimo modulis

Product Compare Advanced

Features:1. Adding checkbox for product comparison.2. Add/remove products for comparison using check..

24.99€ Ex Tax: 20.65€

Product Compare URL

Product Compare URL

This Module generates the URL of the selected products for comparison...

20.00€ Ex Tax: 16.53€

Related Alert Module

Related Alert Module


60.50€ Ex Tax: 50.00€

SKC Garantija Warranty module

SKC Garantija Warranty module

This module allows automatically add options for additional warranty. and after product will be purc..

99.99€ Ex Tax: 82.64€



FEATURES:√ Strong password for the registration√ Disable numeric in names√ Restrict email names√ Res..

21.99€ Ex Tax: 18.17€

Welcome Popup

Welcome Popup

This Welcome Popup module allow shows a modal popup with your owninformation. You can also add diffe..

9.99€ Ex Tax: 8.26€

Showing 1 to 15 of 15 (1 Pages)